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One Message
One Set of Keychain


The story of salvation in 

five coloured symbols


green leaves|Abundance of Creation

black bird cage|Forgiveness to All Sins

red cross|Sacrifice of Jesus

white snowflake|Sanctification by Faith

yellow key|Resurrection and Eternity

Light shadow color

God said, "Let there be light! And there was light. God saw that the light was good, so he separated the light from the darkness, and called the light day, and the darkness night. The evening passed, and the morning came, and this was the first day."

Genesis 1:3-5


"Let there be a firmament between water and water, and separate the water." Sure enough. God opened up the firmament and used it to separate the water from the lower water. God called the firmament the sky. The evening passed, and the morning came, and this was the next day.

Genesis 1:6-8

Curves and Corners

God said, "Let the waters under the sky be gathered together in one place, and let the dry land appear." And so it was. God called the dry land land, and the place where the waters came together he called sea. God looked and was satisfied. God said, "Let the land produce vegetation—every kind of seed-bearing vegetables and every kind of fruit-bearing tree with seeds in it." And sure enough, the land brought forth vegetation-every kind of seed-bearing vegetables and fruit-bearing trees Trees have seeds inside their fruits. God looked and was satisfied. The evening passed, and the morning came, and this was the third day.

God said: "Let there be lights in the sky to distinguish day from night, to make signs, to set festivals, to count the days, and to shine light to illuminate the earth." Sure enough. God created two great lights, the larger one to rule the day, the smaller one to rule the night, and the stars. God arranged these light bodies in the sky, let them shine to illuminate the earth, manage day and night, and separate light from darkness. God looked and was satisfied. Evening passed and morning came, and this was the fourth day.

Genesis 1:9-19


God said: "Let the water be filled with all kinds of animals, and let there be birds flying in the sky." God created all kinds of aquatic animals and birds such as the big fish in the sea. God looked and was satisfied. God blessed all these creatures and said, "Let the waters multiply and fill the sea, and the birds multiply on the earth." Evening passed and morning came, and this was the fifth day. God said, "Let the earth produce every kind of animal—every kind of livestock, reptiles, and wild beasts." And so it was. God made all kinds of wild animals, livestock, and reptiles. God looked and was satisfied.

Genesis 1:20-25


Service scope

  1. Life testimony sharing

  2. Evangelistic visual art training

  3. Evangelism workshop

  4. Bible study training

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